Monday, 28 January 2008

Open Letter To A Word Thief

How pitiful you must be to take another's words and pass them off as your own?

How empty must your psyche be to have to appropriate another's thoughts to fill the void where clearly your own should reside?

How desperate for attention, and 'fame' must you be to steal the writings of another, to pretend to have thought and felt and done those things which you have not?

How very sad and pathetic must you be to have nothing of your own to say, or at least nothing you feel is of any value, that you must masquerade as another, to wear their words like a cheap, ill-fitting suit?

The truth, the ugly truth, is that you are a parasite, nothing more. A parasite who feeds on the worthy and the wise, who drains all that is good from your unwitting host, and who is so empty, so devoid of originality, so barren of ideas and thoughts and substance that you, thief, are nothing but a translucent facsimilie of a person.

Just a fake. A pathetic fake.

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