Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Notes from the Asylum - the beginning

Hello there.

If you're reading this then it means one of three things.

1. You're me, which seems unlikely, as that position is already taken (though you never know how fast or covertly this cloning technology is progressing - perhaps you ARE me, and I'm actually a passable imitation of myself).

2. You've accidentally stumbled across yet another blog on the net, and it just happens to be mine! In which case, welcome, and please drop by from time to time as I waste valuable minutes of your life with my thoughts on life, the universe and, while not everything (which would take far too long and I'm sure you have better things to do), then at least some of the things that I find interesting, funny or annoying (though I warn you, it may well consist of a disproportionate number of the latter).

3. It's several months or years from now and my resolve to finally stop being a slave to the gods of accountancy (well, somebody has to do it, and for the time being it might as well be me) and actually put my writing talent to good use and make a living from it has come to fruitition. Having too much much time on your hands you've decided to go back to where this long-running saga began and see what my very first entry was. So here it is. Satisfied?

I suppose I should tell you all about myself, but where's the fun in that, eh? Instead why not keep dropping by and discover who I am and the things that I do (well, not everything, a man needs a little privacy) in bite-sized chunks.

Until next time....

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