Tuesday 22 December 2009

Bird? Plane? Nope, just an update!

The end is nigh!

Well, of 2009, anyway. As for the world, who knows, but hopefully there's plenty of life in the old dog yet as I'm having a great time.

Since I last put fingers to plastic and left something here life has been busy, but satisfying.

We saw Numan do his 30th anniversary Pleasure Principle show at the Indigo2, and it was one of the best (of more than thirty) shows I've seen him do. Ever. Hell even got chilly for a moment when the self-professed King Loather of nostalgia even admitted to having enjoyed the tour greatly! Stranger things, my friends, stranger things.....

Caught up with Dad again for the second time this year, which was great as always, and celebrated Tav's 17th and Kez's 15th birthdays. In the three years I've known them they've both grown so much, and my life is a much richer place for having them in it (and, of course, their wonderful mother!)

As the year draws to a close, it doesn't feel like 10 years since we celebrated the turn of the millennium, and the old cliche about life speeding up as your get older seems to be holding some grain of truth, as the last 12 months have sped by faster than a speeding speedy thing.

I have just 4 more working days left this year (though, sadly, about 10 days worth of work to do!) and then I settle into 10 days of catching up with friends, family and all the other pleasures that I seem to have so little time for these days.

I resolve to write at least one more blog before the end of the year, so it's not quite farewell (unlike Terry Wogan, who hung up his Breakfast Show gloves for the last time today), but if the year has been a party, then I'm about to head to the cloakroom for my hat and coat.

I'll see you at the exit.....

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