Thursday, 30 April 2009

That Was April That Was

Amazing, isn't it, how time flies when you're under the weather!

In the middle of April I travelled over to Holland to board a container ship for a voyage from Rotterdam to Tilbury. For two nights and two days myself and a colleague were given free reign of the huge ship, but even though the Captain and crew were very friendly and willingly showed us the workings of the vessel, after about twelve hours it felt like being in prison, with Julien and I confined to the passenger recreation quarters watching endless DVDs and smoking too many cigars.

All in all a great experience, but not one I'm in a hurry to repeat.

Much better was my birthday. I was totally surprised to receive a Nintendo DSi and so for the last week or so have been playing Brain Training and GTA Chinatown Wars. Great fun.

I also got taken out for a meal, which just happened to be one of my favourites - a huge rack of smoky BBQ ribs! Absolute heaven!

So, as April draws to a close and I enter the final year of my thirties, I'm also entering the final stretch of editing for the book, and to top it all we're off to see the awesome Dan Reed again next week in London.

So, until May......

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