Saturday, 12 July 2008

Back From The Real World

After what seems like an eternity offline I'm back in the land of zeros and ones thanks to the lovely people at Virgin coming around at long last to hook our cable and internet up.

I have to say, though, I haven't really missed the net, and the TV has barely been on since the hookup, save for Jonathan Ross last night, and a couple of on demand programmes that we now seem to have access to via the telebox thingy.

It's good to be able to get back to my cyber scribblings here, though - not that any of you (assuming there are 'you' out there reading this) have probably missed my ramblings - as although I've finally been able to make a restart on the final phase of the latest book, it's quite cathartic to spill my thoughts onto this screen and send them spinning off into the cyber ether like a coffin in a deep space funeral.

Tonight's missive will therefore be brief(ish), just to flex my mind once more here in the Asylum really, but rest assured that normal service is now officially resumed, as from the next thrilling instalment which should be winging its way onto this page.....soon. :-)

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